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Our Pets Love Our Services Too!

We love seeing your pets enjoy our worship service on Sunday, too! It’s such a delight to see, so keep them coming, folks! Post your photos of your pets enjoying worship to Facebook or Instagram and make sure to tag us! Let’s keep the fun going; can’t wait to see your furry friends! Pictured from…

Summer Camp Registration Is Open!

Residential summer camps can officially open in NJ this summer! (Please note we will not have Day Camp this year.) Register your child or youth for their week of camp at Cross Roads this summer  at

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Canceled

Our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is usually a not to be missed event.  It is also a fundraiser for the church.  However, to keep everyone safe, and to abide by the pandemic protocols, we will not be having this event this year.  We encourage you to celebrate this at home, post pictures of your…

Communion in the Park

What a joy it was to see so many familiar faces (even if covered in masks) drop by in our hour in the park for communion as part of a diocesan wide Eucharistic celebration.  Check out the photos here: Communion in the Park Pics

An Election Day Prayer

Most merciful God, whose son Jesus Christ taught us to love and to serve, may we be guided by Your Holy Spirit in this time of decision for our nation. Help us to remember that there are so many around the world who do not have this freedom, and remember too the lives lost to…

In-Person Worship

While we are allowed to hold worship in-person, there are 36 pages of instructions from the diocese on how to do so.  Thankfully, a team has volunteered to develop our plan for submission for approval by the diocese.  Once a plan is in place, we will have a practice run, and then if all goes…

Catch Us On YouTube

Missed the service when it was running live on Facebook or Zoom?  Not to worry.  Check out all our worship services on our YouTube channel, and subscribe so you won’t miss anything: Christ Church YouTube Channel

How To Attend Worship Online

In this time of separation, we are united with Christ and one another in worship and prayer.  Our worship is online Sundays at 10:30am via Facebook Live and Zoom (details are in our Upcoming Events).  Here are some helpful suggestions* on how to participate: GET OUT OF BED AND GET DRESSED – it will put…