In-Person Worship

While we are allowed to hold worship in-person, there are 36 pages of instructions from the diocese on how to do so.  Thankfully, a team has volunteered to develop our plan for submission for approval by the diocese.  Once a plan is in place, we will have a practice run, and then if all goes well, there will be one service each week that is in-person, but likely not before October. Volunteers are needed, so please respond to the request sent by email to all parishioners! 

Please keep in mind that there will be no music, no peace, and no coffee hour at any in-person worship, and pre-registration will be required.  In other words, it won’t look like this picture from a past service. 

Also, we will continue to have a virtual service every Sunday with music.  We thank Desiree Noel, Amy Reynolds, Michelle Ryndak, and Denise Massay-Williams for stepping up to plan the in-person services.