The Good Book Club is an invitation to all Episcopalians to join in reading Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans during Epiphany 2019. Episcopalians started reading Romans on January 7, 2019, reading a section every day (except Sundays) through the Epiphany season. On Sunday, January 27th, following the 10:30am service Mother Diana will lead an Adult Forum on what we have read so far in these first few weeks. So grab a cup of coffee and something to eat, meet and greet your fellow parishioners, and when you hear the announcement, gather in the parlor in 74 Park ready to explore what you have heard in these texts, and to get some additional background on the epistle.
It is not too late to join with tens of thousands of Episcopalians to learn about life in the early church and central principles of our Christian faith.
Click here to learn more, and to subscribe to the daily readings:
The Good Book Club
Listen to what our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, says about The Good Book Club:
Presiding Bishop Welcome to The Good Book Club