The Youth Group went into NYC to see the exhibit of the phoenix sculptures, and to explore this beautiful Episcopal cathedral.

We dedicated the choir room, which is used for so many things, in honor of the Rev. Deacon Buck Coursen, who led the choir for decades.

This diocesan youth event happens each Fall and this year, Christ Church was blessed to host it. What lessons we can all learn from them about how to grow in faith.

Every fall, Christ Church blesses animals of all kinds. Our parishioners and neighbors in community bring their dogs, cats, rabbits, snakes, birds, gerbils, hamsters...you name it, and all are welcome to receive a blessing. In 2014, we raised $400 in donations and collected over $100 in food to give to PAWS Montclair.

This brought the parish and community together to walk a journey through our neighborhoods to bear witness to economic decline & restoration, violence in our streets & community outreach, places of pain & places of joy, with the understanding that Christ is found in all of it.

It was all hands on deck after the worship service on Sunday, March 16th, to remove all items from the church before work would begin. The Altar Guild, Wardens, and the Rector, all got busy and dirty - but we had fun too. The next day, work began.

The wood and terrazzo floors are in need of repair and refinishing so that they can not only be returned to their original beauty, but so that they may be protected to ensure they are here for years to come. The labyrinth will also become a permanent part of our space, and the area underneath made entirely of wood (the terrazzo that had cut through it taken up and used for restoration/repair). We began work on Monday, March 17th, following a full church vote the week before. Services will be held in the parish hall while the work is done. We return to the church on Palm Sunday.