Join the Rev. Diana Wilcox after coffee hour for a three part Adult Forum series meeting in the nave on Feb. 9th/16th/23rd. See below for more information.
Part I – Sunday, February 9th: “…and the Holy Spirit descending like a dove on him…”For Jesus, the moment of his baptism was a turning point in his life. The Holy Spirit alit on him in the form of a dove, and God said that Jesus was “my son, the Beloved.” But for most of us, our encounters with the Holy Spirit may not be as obvious. In this first part of the three part series, we will explore the meaning of Epiphany, and discuss the ways in which we too have had “dove moments,” and what that has meant to us as a people of faith.
Part II – Sunday, February 16th: “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.”
Call is not confined to those who wear collars. God calls us in many ways to many things. Having explored encounters with the Holy Spirit, we will, in this second of the three part series in Epiphany, discuss where that leads us. What wilderness are we being led to, or have we walked, in our answer to God’s call? What lies beyond it, and what keeps us from moving forward?
Part III – Sunday, February 23rd: “…and he was transfigured before them…”
Peter, James and John had were able to see Christ revealed to them in the transfiguration. How many of us have had “Peter” moments – times in our lives when we have seen something in someone, perhaps something they have not yet seen in themselves. What have we done with that inspiration from the Holy Spirit? In this final part of the Epiphany series, come explore the “Peter” moments in your life, and the great gift that they bring to us.