On Sunday, we brought forward food for both humans and animals to be given to the local food pantry and animal shelter. We also brought forward our pledges to the church of our time, talent, and treasure, that the work we do in the name of Christ may continue.
As Mother Diana prayed at the end of her sermon on Sunday:
God of all creation, we give over to you this day our pledge of time, talent, and treasure – of our commitment to love and to serve. Bless us in this work, that we may be bearers of Your light to a world in darkness, ambassadors of Your grace to a people in despair, prophets of Your justice to those who are oppressed, and witnesses of Your love to those whose hearts have grown cold; that, one day, living as Christ has shown us to live, we may come to bring about Your kin-dom here on earth, and all the world will rejoice in the overwhelming abundance of love, kindness, and generosity. All this we ask in Your name.
Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!