April 6th will be the last Sunday we worship in the Parish Hall (though we will gather here first next week). We continue to work on completing the floor restoration in the church, and it is going really well. All of the work has been completed, including the painting of a beautiful labyrinth, and now the wood part of the floor is drying. It is very important that no one walk on the wood floor until it has had five full days to dry (polyurethane takes that long to truly be dry).
A cleaning company will take care of the major cleaning off of all the construction dust that is everywhere, and will shine up the rood screen and pews. The pews will be returned to the floors Thursday-Friday April 10-11th, and the parish work day will take care of the rest (see below).
You can watch the progress of the restoration by going to our Photo Gallery page, or by clicking here: https://christchurchepiscopal.org/?page_id=348