Upcoming Events

Visit Of The Magi – Jan 3

The twelve days of Christmas are over as the Magi arrive to give presents to the Christ child, which is celebrated on the Feast of the Epiphany (Jan. 6).  On Sunday, January 3rd, those Magi will make an appearance at Christ Church, so come and see what they bring!

Christmas Eve – 7pm

Mother Diana will read the classic story “A Visit From St. Nicholas” from her home.  Did you know that this book has a tie to the Episcopal Church, or that St. Nick is a saint of the church?  Mother Diana will give a quick overview of that story about the story before the reading.  The…

Christmas Day – 3pm

After all the presents are opened, and the feast is over, join Mother Diana for a Christmas Day Fireside Chat by Zoom at the time of our usual service.  This will be a casual and joyous gathering of our parish family in this time of separation.  Everyone is welcome.  Here is the information to join…

“As We Wait In Hope” An Advent Bible Study – Nov 8

Join Mother Diana every Sunday of our seven week Advent to study the scriptures, and talk about how we are waiting in hope and preparing for the birth of Jesus Christ. Starting on Sunday, November 8th, the first Sunday of Advent, join Mother Diana on Zoom from 6-7pm to read and discuss one of the…

Episcopal Q&A – Oct 18

At our first meeting last month there were lots of really good questions, and we didn’t get to them all, so we will offer this again!  Have you ever wondered why we do what we do, or what Episcopal means?  Mother Diana will have a question and answer night on Sunday, October 18th from 6pm-7:00pm.…

Fall Founder’s Fest Sunday – Oct 4

We were founded on October 4, 1858, so on Sunday the 4th of October in 2020 we will celebrate our 162nd birthday.  While we cannot have our usual festive service and feast, we will still gather afterwards via Zoom, share with one another some favorite stories of being here at Christ Church, and share a…

Virtual Coffee Hour – Mar 15

Join Episcopalians for worship at Washington National Cathedral tomorrow morning at 11am.  Click on this link, and you will be connected to the cathedral’s live stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUGZLwnLhUU&feature=youtu.be   Afterward, grab a cup of coffee, and join with Mother Diana and others from our parish in our first Virtual Coffee Hour.  The information to join the Zoom…