Upcoming Events

Brother, Give Us A Word – Mar 3

“For Lent, the Brothers of The Society of Saint John the Evangelist (SSJE) invite you to take on a simple practice that draws on the rhythm and richness of the monastic life – yet fits into your day. “Brother, Give Us a Word” has been helping people to start the day with prayer for over…

Inquirer’s Class – Mar 6

Re-scheduled from earlier, this is now happening on the first Sunday of Lent, March 6th. Are you thinking about attending an Episcopal Church and want to know more about it?  Are you already attending our parish, and are wanting to be a member and are not sure what that means?  Then come to our next…

The Four Canonical Gospels – Feb 9

Join in this online Adult Forum on the four canonical gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.  Mother Diana will cover the parallels between them (and the differences), composition, audience, and more.  Each evening will include a mix of presentation and discussion over 90 minutes on Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm-8:30pm.  The classes will be on…

De-Greening of the Church – Jan 8

De-Greening of the Church – Jan 8 Please help us prepare for the season of Epiphany on Saturday, January 8th from 10am-12pm. We will remove and store all the beautiful greenery and poinsettias of Christmas. It takes a village, so please come and help out if you are able.  Masking will be required (and we…

Baptism – Jan 9

On the Sunday when we celebrate the baptism of Jesus, we will also welcome another child into the household of God in baptism.  If you are considering baptism for yourself, or for your child, please see Mother Diana after any worship service.   All baptisms happen at our 10:30am service.

Episcopal Visitation – Dec 12

Our bishop, the Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes, eleventh bishop of the Diocese of Newark, will be visiting our parish on Sunday, December 12th.  She will celebrate at the 10:30am service, and will meet with everyone in the parish hall afterward.  Then, she will meet with our leadership. Let us all be present to welcome…

Does A Bishop Only Move Diagonally? – Dec 5

To prepare for our Episcopal visitation, Mother Diana will be offering a Q&A after the 10:30am service on December 5th in the Parish Hall. She will cover the episcopate, why it matters in our church, why the bishop is visiting, and answer any other questions you may have about bishops or the Episcopal Church.  Please…

Communion In The Park – Oct 10

Mtr. Diana will be offering communion after the service on October 10th, and on the second Sunday of the month weather permitting. This is part of a Diocesan wide effort to share the Eucharist once per month in a safe way. She will be in the glen across the street from the church on Bloomfield Ave,…

Blessing of the Animals – Oct 3 (Date/Time Change!)

We will offer our annual Blessings of the Animals on Sunday, October 3rd, from 1:1:30pm following the live-streamed worship service and coffee hour. Mother Diana will be in the park across the street from the church (where we usually do the Last Chance Mass). She will bless all animals who are brought there. Masks must…

Tropical Storm Ida Cleanup – Sep 5

Got mops? Then we need your help.  We took some water, mud, and debris in the church nave (the part where the labyrinth and pews are located).  While we mopped up the water, the mud requires mopping/drying/sweeping to get it all cleaned up.   We are asking  folks to help this Sunday, September 5th, starting…