Upcoming Events

Mass Incarceration Prayer Service – June 2

The clergy of Districts 5&7 are holding a short prayer service on Thursday, June 2nd beginning at 12pm to remember the victims of our criminal justice system and laws that has resulted in mass incarceration primarily of minorities in this country. We will gather here at Christ Church at 11:30am, and proceed to the prayer…

Rummage Sale – Postponed!

Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we are postponing our Rummage Sale.  Stay tuned for more information on when we will run it.  We apologize for any inconvenience. Would you like an opportunity to sell your crafts or baked goods? Do you have gently used unwanted items such as clothes, books, or small household items you…

Colin Lynch To Perform At Christ Church! – Apr 16

“…enormous style and aplomb.  His technique and musicality seem flawless…a tour-de-force…” -The Journal of the Association of Anglican Musicians Hailed as “an impeccable performer with compelling musicality and technical command,” (The American Organist Magazine) First Prize Winner of the Fort Wayne National Organ Playing Competition, Colin Lynch maintains a busy performance career that has taken him to prominent…

Pageant & Youth Choir Starts – Nov 29

Attention all parents of angels, shepherds, and joyful noise makers! The pageant will be on Sunday, December 20th and the choir will perform on Christmas Eve at the 5pm service. Rehearsals for the choir will be after the 10:30 service starting on the first Sunday of Advent (Nov. 29).   Rehearsals for the pageant will…

Book Club – Nov 30

The next meeting of our book club will be on Monday, November 30th, at 7 pm at the home of Rick and Debbie Fox. The book to read for discussion is Accidental Saints: Finding God in All the Wrong People by Nadia Bolz-Weber. It’s available in hardcover and Kindle from Amazon, and in audiobook form…

Live Stream of the Installation – Nov 1

The Holy Eucharist with the Installation of the 27th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Bishop Michael Bruce Curry, will occur on Sunday, November 1 at noon Eastern at Washington National Cathedral. The service will be live webcast, and we will show it here, in the Coursen Room, where we will join in the responses…

Inquirer’s Class – Sep 20

We have been growing, and so many people ask how they join the church, or be received into the Episcopal Church. These are great questions, and if you find yourself asking them, please attend our Inquirers Adult Forum on Sunday, September 20th after coffee hour. If you will need infant or child care, please let…

Christ Church Day Camp – Aug 8-12

We will be having our second Day Camp (VBS) this year, and we couldn’t be more excited about it. Day Camp is a unique blend of outdoor faith-focused, community-building activities right here at Christ Church. Candice Whitaker, our Director of Family Ministries, will coordinate our effort, and the way in which you can help make this…

“Crazy Christians” at Adult Forum – Aug 2

Hear the inspiring homily given by our Presiding Bishop Elect, the Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry, titled “Crazy Christians,” given three years ago at the 77th General Convention in Indianapolis. Rev. Diana was there to hear it, and it was amazing! We will watch the video, and then discuss what we heard. Come to the…