May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. Well, apparently it is Memorial Day weekend. I don’t know about you, but until just a few days ago, I thought this holiday came next weekend, when we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. Maybe it is living in this Zoom-O-Mania world where work/life balance…
“You Are Not Alone”
May 17, 2020: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. So, how ya doing? Seriously, I have to ask, because if you are like me, perhaps you have been going through a week of Zoom-onday, Zoom-uesday, Zoom-endsday, Zoom-ursday, Zoom-riday, and Don’t-EVEN-Disturb-Me-In-My-Nap-aturday. It’s endless. Some post on Facebook and Twitter about being…
“Our Way, Our Truth, Our Life”
“Watch Where You Swim”
May 3, 2020: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. Welcome to what some like to call Good Shepherd Sunday, because, if you hadn’t noticed, nearly all our readings feature sheep, and/or a shepherd, somewhere in the verses. I mean, even though the lectionary will go through the first letter of…
“The Road We Take”
“Crying Or Shaking Or Dreaming Or Breaking”
April 19, 2020: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. “Χριστός Ανέστη!” καὶ “Καλό Πάσχα!” Christ is Risen! and Happy Easter to all our Eastern Orthodox sisters and brothers in Christ, who today are celebrating Easter Sunday. Yes, we celebrate Easter Sunday on different dates, but it is also true that…
“This Is What Easter Is All About Charlie Brown”
Easter Sunday 2020: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. Our Jewish sisters and brothers, as they began their Passover observance the other night, asked this question “What makes this night different than all other nights?” Well, I think it is clear we know what makes this Easter Sunday different than…
“Wilderness Waiting”
“Our Night Of Betrayal & Denial”
“The Holiest Holy Week We Have Ever Holied”
May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. One of my favorite commentators, the Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis, posted this on her blog this week. She said, “There’s a saying about Lent that has surfaced on social media [lately]—“This is the Lentiest Lent I have ever Lented” then she added, and “this…