
“Into The Woods”

November 28, 2021: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. Well, by now, I hope all the stuffing, mashed potatoes, and turkey – or whatever it is that makes up your Thanksgiving feast – is now history – even while we know it will stick around awhile on the scale.  And…

“Say Yes!”

November 21, 2021: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. Okay, whenever I hear Psalm 126, I am immediately transported back to my Baptist childhood, when we would sing “Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, we will come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.”  And as a kid, I just…

“Come & See…The Sequel”

November 14, 2021: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. We are now in Advent, the second week of Advent actually.  Now, you may wonder if maybe you missed something, because it didn’t look like Advent last week.  Well, last Sunday we celebrated the Feast of All Saints, transferred from November…

“Making All Things New”

November 7, 2021 – The Feast of All Saints: May God’s words spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. Wow!  How great it is to be back in the pulpit and seeing all of you gathered here today.  I have really missed you’all!   And, I know that you all have missed one another.  It is…

“Journey Interrupted”

October 10, 2021: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard.  Amen. “As Jesus set out on a journey…” This is how our gospel passage from Mark opens today.  Jesus is heading out the door.  So, I have to wonder – where was Jesus going, and why? I’ll never really know the answer…

“The Great Cosmic Bet”

October 3, 2021: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard.  Amen. Before I start – I am not preaching on the gospel passage today, and it isn’t saying what you may think it is saying.  I will post a link to a previous sermon I did on this with today’s sermon, and…

“Be Bold & Be You!”

September 12, 2021: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard.  Amen. Well, the opening of that epistle of James we just heard likely rang a few school bells for teachers far and wide. “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers and sisters, for you know that we who teach will…

“Stormin’ Bit Of Good Trouble!”

September 5, 2021: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard.  Amen. Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone!  This is a time when we remember those who labor for what we need, what we enjoy, and in many cases, for what we take for granted. They are the ones we see, and the ones…

“Walk In Love As Christ Loved Us”

August 8, 2021: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard.  Amen. Over the past few weeks, I have been preaching from the letter to the Ephesians, because it has a lot to say about our life in Christ.  We hear some well-known and beloved passages like “Speak the truth in love,” or…

“Speaking The Truth In Love”

August 1, 2021: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard.  Amen. Well, welcome back as we swing into the final days of summer in this second year of pandemic.  Yet this year, despite the impact of the Delta variant of the coronavirus, it seems different than last August.  For this is a…