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Mother Diana Returns Next Sunday!

Mother Diana returns from her sabbatical in October, and her first Sunday with us will be on October 6th!  While she was away, she studied at Oxford University, lobbied on behalf of immigrants and refugees in Washington, DC, and attended a variety of worship experiences.  Of course, she also got much needed rest and renewal. …

Help Us Support Immigrant Detainees

Did you know that ICE (federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement) houses immigrants in four detention centers in Northern New Jersey? The immigrants detained at 3 county jails and a separate center in Elizabeth are brought here from all over the country, often leaving them isolated far from family and friends. First Friends of NJ &…

Mother Diana Is On Sabbatical

Every 5-7 years, Rectors are to take a sabbatical of a minimum of 3 months. Mother Diana, now in her 6th year as our Rector, is taking a sabbatical this summer.  She is using this time for study, spiritual renewal, and rest.  One of the places she will study is at Oxford! She will return on…

Mtr. Diana Launches New V-Blog!

Outward & Visible: A Conversation on Faith is a new V-Blog (video blog) launched by Mother Diana for faith formation. The first two episodes (about Ash Wednesday & Lent) are up on Youtube and can also be accessed through our Facebook page, or going to our church Youtube cannel by clicking below. Our spiritual formation…

Holy Week Pictures!

Take a look at all these wonderful pictures from Holy Week!  More will be uploaded, so check back frequently, and come be a part of all of it! Photo Gallery Photo Gallery

An Invitation to Holy Week

An Invitation to Holy Week Dear People of Christ Church, This is Holy Week, the most sacred period of our Christian faith. It is a time when we gather together as a community of faith to journey with Jesus to Jerusalem, to stand with him before his accusers, to walk to Golgotha, and to stand…

Stations of the Cross Wednesdays In Lent

During the season of Lent we will be offering weekly Stations of the Cross, led by our seminarian, Christopher Dwyer on Wednesday evenings at 7:30, beginning March 13th.Stations of the Cross is a service that comes from a very old tradition of walking the “Via Dolorosa,” the path Jesus took between his sentencing by Pilate and his burial. We commemorate…

Bishop Visit Photos

Our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes, was with us on Sunday, March 31st at the 10:30am service.  It was a joyous day all around.  Click here for pictures! Photo Gallery Previously the rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Ft. Worth, TX, Bishop Hughes is the first woman, and first African-American, to be elected…

Bishop Visit Photos

Our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes, was with us on Sunday, March 31st at the 10:30am service.  It was a joyous day all around.  Click here for pictures! Photo Gallery Previously the rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Ft. Worth, TX, Bishop Hughes is the first woman, and first African-American, to be elected…

Ashes to Go

Once again, Christ Church will take to the streets and the train stations to offer the sacrament of ashes on Ash Wednesday.  Weather permitting, look for us at the Glen Ridge and Bloomfield train stations, and at the corner bus stop outside the church.