News to Share

Summer Worship Schedule!

On July 12th, and August 2 & 9 at 10:30am, we are offering virtual worship and coffee hour live from Christ Church! While you don’t need access to the internet to listen in and participate in the coffee hour by phone, you will need it to see it all…and for us to see you! You…

Holy Week Resources For Families

Check these out! Church Publishing Free Resources Also, every week our downloadable worship bulletin includes two different bulletins for children.  You can get that here: This Week’s Bulletin

Virtual Resources For Devotion & Prayer

Here are links to some prayer and devotional resources in these days away from in-person worship (and beyond that too!): From The Episcopal Church – This is a listing of several online resources as well as a downloadable BCP!: For daily Morning Prayer, Mother Diana likes this iTunes podcast, which features meditative background music:…

Christmas Photos!

Check out all the great photos from Advent & Christmas!  More will be added in the next few days, so check back from time to time: Photo Gallery

Welcome Back Mother Diana!

On Sunday, October 6th, we welcomed our Rector, Mother Diana, back from her three month sabbatical.  We presented her with some gifts, including a picture book of all that happened while she was away.  It was also our Fall Founder’s Fest, and so we had a birthday cake for our church, which is celebrating our…