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“All About Love Revival”

Mother Diana attended this church wide event.  Read all about it here in this article from the diocesan Voice written by her:  

Charles Seller Foundation Back Again

We are always delighted to host the rehearsals each year for the Charles Seller Foundation, which raises money to pay off medical debt through the performance of a musical by very talented young people each year.  They also hold other fundraisers. For more information, click here:  

Our Easter Newsletter Is Online!

Check out the latest edition of our Newsletter, filled with pictures, interesting articles, and loads of information about all that has been, or will be, happening at Christ Church. Click on the Newsletter tab off the home page, or just click the link below: Newsletters  

Seminarian Jackie McLeod To Join Our Staff

We are excited to announce that Ms. Jackie McLeod will join the staff of Christ Church starting Sunday, March 19th.  Be sure to bring something for our coffee hour reception that Sunday as we want to give her a warm welcome. Jackie is a seminarian in formation for the vocational diaconate (to serve as a…

Thursdays – Rector’s Bible Study

Beginning March 2nd, and continuing through Lent, join Mother Diana on Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm in our 74 Park parlor to spend more time with Scripture. Each week, we will discuss one or more of the passages for the upcoming Sunday.  You may bring your own translation of the Bible, or use one that we…

Private Confession

Private confession is available always by appointment, and is particularly appropriate during the season of Lent.  To arrange a time of confession, email Mother Diana at The reconciliation of a penitent (also called private confession) is a sacramental rite in which those who repent may confess their sins to God in the presence of…

Quilts For Project Linus

Some of our parishioners teamed up to make quilts for Project Linus, a not-for-profit dedicated to providing blankets to children in need.  Betty, Anne, and Nadine provided the yarn, and Frances made the blankets.  Thank you all for living out this ministry in Christ’s name!