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Pageant & Youth Choir

Attention all parents of angels, shepherds, and joyful noise makers!   Letters are being mailed to parents of children from toddlers up to youth in High School to sign up to be in the pageant (or in the case of High Schoolers to help), and to sing in the Youth Choir. The pageant will be…

The Nursery School & Church Collect Food!

Thank you to all in the Nursery School who participated in the food drive. Loads of food was collected, some of which decorate our altar this morning, and combined with all of our donations during worship services, we have a huge haul to bring to the Presbyterian Church on the Green Food Bank. We are…

Men’s Group Raises Over $500 for Our Nursery School!

We are thankful for our Men’s Group who hosted a Spaghetti Dinner with a family friendly movie on Friday, November 7th and raised over $500 dollars to support our Nursery School.  What a great time everyone had that night!  Check out the pictures in our gallery. The Nursery School has been a ministry of Christ…

All Saints Baptism

What a joyous day it was as we celebrated the saints and welcomed into the household of God our newest member in Christ.  Our photo gallery has more pics.

Christophany Graces Christ Church!

This past weekend, youth from all across our diocese have been exploring their faith here at Christ Church as part of Christophany. The youth leadership – called TEAM – arrived on Thursday night, and our very own Elise Mitchell is the Rector, leading TEAM. Below, the Rt. Rev. Mark Beckwith, our diocesan bishop, met with…

Christ Church Donates $400 And Supplies to PAWS Montclair

At our annual Blessing of the Animals service, our Warden, David Drislane, presented PAWS Montclair with a donation of $400.  Also donated was over $100 worth of pet supplies to support their work.  For more pictures of the Blessing of the Animals service, check out our photo gallery.

North Porch Says “Thank You!”

During the summer we collected baby supplies for mothers and infants in need served by North Porch as part of our Summer Baby Shower.  We blessed them all on Sunday, August 17th, and they were delivered to North Porch, who were so grateful for the donation.

Fall Adult Forums Begin

We begin our Adult Forums, which happen several times throughout the church year, with a wonderful selection of topics this Fall.  All Adult Forums are on Sundays, and go from about 12pm-1pm in the Coursen Room, so stop by coffeehour for a bit, and then come over to engage with others on topics that interest…

Children & Youth Programs Start

Sunday School classes for pre-school to 5th grade begins on the Sunday, Sept. 21st, when we will also commission our teachers and youth leaders.  Youth Group (High School) will meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 6pm beginning the 21st.  Those in 6-12th grades will also be asked to participate in the Junior Choir,…

Knit for Others – Saturday Mornings

We have started a knitting (crocheting, whatever) group to create baby blankets for our KidZone, and to create warm scarves and hats for mariners served by the Seaman’s Church Institute, or for those standing in soup kitchen lines.  Join us every Saturday morning in the Courson Room, from 9-11am.  Beginners are always welcome!