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Communion Changes

In addition to offering gluten free bread (either in wafers or in the home made bread), we will also be introducing grape juice as an alternative to wine.   If you wish to receive grape juice, go to the side with two chalice bearers. If you want the gluten free wafers (when the home made bread…

Warden Bill Seeman in the News!

We all know the many things Bill does for Christ Church, but check out this article about his transformational life, and how he gives back to others.  We are proud of you Bill!

Presiding Bishop Elected!

The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry, from the Diocese of North Carolina, was elected and confirmed today as the next Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church.  Blessings be upon him and his family as he leads us into the next part of our journey as a church to love and serve all of God’s children.…

Rector Is Deputy To General Convention

Our Rector, the Rev. Diana Wilcox, is a clergy deputy to the 78th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, taking place in Salt Lake City, Utah from June 23-July 3, 2015. Rev. Diana will be posting information on the happenings of General Convention on Christ Church social media sites, and as part of the larger deputation…

Mass On The Grass…With Brass!

What a day it was, worshiping in the glen across the street from the church and then having a picnic. It was amazing and fun.  The choir sounded beautiful (as always) supported by the fabulous brass ensemble.  The congregation filled the park, with the children enjoying a special Sunday School outside.  And, there was loads of food.…

Youth Group Fun in the Sun!

The Youth Group headed out for at Point Pleasant Beach and Boardwalk on Saturday, June 13th.  Check out all the photos on our photo gallery, or by clicking here:

Men’s Group Game Night and BBQ

On Saturday, June 6th the Men’s Group had a game night/BBQ open to all men of Christ Church at the home of David Drislane and Leo Toledo. It was an evening of games and great conversation.  For pictures, click on this link or check out the Photo Gallery off of our home page:

Donate/Pledge Online

You can now donate to the church, and make your pledge payments, all online using either your checking account or a credit card. Just click on Pledge/Donate (on the lower menu bar of the home page). You will be able to pay for altar flowers (and provide the date and dedication), donate to the organ…

Youth Group Creates Transformative Art For Earth Day

Our Youth Group created trash sculptures, a transformative art project, to highlight the waste we produce each day, and the impact it has on our environment.  Using items brought in by parishioners – items that would end up in trash bins – our high school students transformed this waste into a dragon, a dining scene,…

Offering On May 3rd Goes To Nepal Aid

Weren’t in church on May 3rd, but still want to help?  Go to our Pledge/Donate page (located in the lower menu bar of our home page) to add your donation. Episcopal Relief & Development is working with the ecumenical ACT Alliance in Nepal and local partners in northern India and southwest China regarding urgent needs…