Ash Wednesday arrives on March 5th, and with it, the season of Lent. There will be two services: Spoken at 12pm, and with choral music at 7:30pm. We will also…
February 16, 2025: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. Sometimes it seems the scriptures assigned for reading on a given Sunday are so perfectly suited for the times in which we live – and today, that is most definitely so. Just this past Wednesday, some fellow who owns a company formally known as Twitter, re-posted a meme that went underreported considering how vile it was. This unelected guy, who recently caused thousands of civil servants to lose their jobs, posted a meme on his social media platform that showed a young, white, blue-eyed, blond woman smiling up at a TV screen with the caption, “Watching [the POTUS] slash federal programs because it doesn’t affect you because you’re not a member of the ‘Parasite Class.’” “Parasite Class?” This is the same guy who rakes in billions in taxpayer funds to his businesses and yet he is saying…
February 2, 2025 – Candlemas: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. “Two turtledoves, and a ground hog who sees his shadow.” What, not right? Well, at any rate, Merry Christmas everyone! And you thought all that was over weeks ago when those crazy wild guys from the East showed up. Well, not so fast. If you have your tree still up (and believe it or not, I do – not just the artificial one, but my live tree is still doing well!) – then you are not late at all. Today marks the final day of Christmas – for real this time. You might note that our gospel today is from Luke Chapter 2. This comes just one verse after the story about the shepherds visiting the baby Jesus. The missing verse is his circumcision on the 8th day. So, we are clearly still in…
January 26, 2025: May God’s words be spoken, may God’s words be heard. Amen. Heard any good sermons this past week…or at least a snippet of one? I have no doubt that most, if not all, of you did. And today, we heard the beginning of another one, though we only got the opening sentence in what we just heard, when Jesus said, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” Now the setting for the gospel today is Nazareth. Jesus has returned to his hometown, and likely the synagogue where he went as a boy. This is not good, as any seminarian can tell you who has ever returned back to their childhood church to preach. So back to his sermon. At first, the folks in his hometown liked the opening, until they started thinking – hey, isn’t this Joseph’s kid? Which is a way of saying –…